Animal Registration Annual Renewals Due By 10 April

Dog and cat lying on blankets

Calling all pet owners - animal registration renewal is due in April.

All dogs and cats in Monash aged over three months must be microchipped and registered. The animal registration period runs from 10 April to 9 April, and registrations must be renewed annually by 10 April.

Ensuring your pet is registered and your contact and microchip details are correct makes it easier for us to reunite you with your animal if it is lost.

We have mailed out renewal forms and ask pet owners to:

  • Check the enclosed form to ensure that all details are correct
  • If updates are required, go to or return the form to Council in the enclosed Reply Paid envelope
  • Make payment of the total amount by 11.59pm on 9 April 2025

We also ask that owners check that pet microchip details are up to date. Registered microchip agencies include:

All pets must be registered within 14 days of being housed in Monash. If you do not register a pet, you may be subject to an infringement.

For questions about the animal renewal process, contact our Community Safety and Amenity team on 9518 3555, or go to

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