Annual donations program gives financial support

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Do you know of a not-for-profit group, community organisation or charity in the Tamworth Region that could benefit from some additional financial assistance to bolster their services?

Geared to help community groups grow, Tamworth Regional Council's Annual Donations Program can be used for upgrades to facilities and services or to host events.

Applications for the 2019/2020 program open on Monday 5 August, 2019, and Council is encouraging eligible groups to apply for a share of $61,000 in funding.

"The Annual Donations Program has, for many years, lent a helping hand to groups, charities and organisations that provide services, assistance and enjoyment to communities across our region," said Councillor Juanita Wilson who is a member of the Annual Donations Assessment Panel.

"We encourage applicants to consider how they would see the donation help them to grow their service or programs; be it purchasing new equipment or resources, offering additional training or upskilling opportunities, promotional and advertising materials or the means to host community events."

Some of the region's organisations that received donations, ranging from $200 to $5,584, in 2018/2019 include the Animal Welfare League Tamworth, Barraba Community Inc (Barraba Public Art Sub Committee), Bendemeer Preschool Inc, Manilla Historical Society, Nundle School of Arts Memorial Hall, Zonta Club of Tamworth and many more.

In addition to the funding applications, Council's Annual Donations Policy also provides annual financial support to Tamworth Regional Conservatorium ($29,000), Tamworth RSL Brass Band ($5,000), Tamworth Highland Society ($7,000), Manilla Pipe Band ($2,000), Barraba Shire Band ($3,000), City of Tamworth Eisteddfod ($12,000), Tamworth Homeless Connect Day ($4,840) and St Peter's Anglican Church Committee – Tamworth Carol in the Park ($2,000).

An annual contribution of $60 is also donated to each of the 67 schools and pre-schools across the region, totally $4,020 for the purchasing of academic prizes and library resources.

Applications for the Tamworth Regional Council Annual Donations Program close 9 September 2019. To apply visit

The Annual Donations Assessment Panel assesses all applications and will provide its recommendations for funding in a report to Council later this year.

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