The theme of this year's Annual Introduction Days is 'Ignite'. Brand-new students of Wageningen University & Research and Aeres University of Applied Sciences kick off their time in Wageningen with an explosive start.
Every year, an average 95% of all new students participate in the Annual Introduction Days (AID). This year, the turnout is once more overwhelming. Since Friday 18 August, roughly 2200 new students have been getting acquainted with the city of Wageningen and student life through a variety of activities. The various groups of new students have gotten to know one another and have seen and done all sorts of things under the watchful eye of their AID 'parents'. 'I've joined one of the groups and I'm even staying at a student house,' Veerle tells us. 'This is a great opportunity to meet loads of people!'
The AID will last until Wednesday 23 August and will be concluded with a full-fledged festival that will last until the small hours of the morning.

Every day of the AID is filled to the brim with activities that start around ten o'clock. After an introductory lunch on Friday, the various student associations presented themselves to the new students during the Campus Games. That evening, the official opening of the AID 2023 took place, which saw many students take part in classic Dutch bar games.
On Saturday, the organisations of the city of Wageningen had the opportunity to introduce themselves through sports and games. 'You get to see a completely new side of the city,' says AID parent Lotte. In the evening, the city was likewise full of students marvelling at the sights as illusionists, dancers and musicians turned the city centre into a small street festival.

Sunday was all about exercise, with Sports Centre de Bongerd and Friesland Campina as initiators. The prospective students had the chance to try all sorts of sports during this sports day or meet student sports associations that presented themselves at the sports market. 'It was awesome to discover all the things I can do once I move here,' Lydia exclaims.
In the evening, there was sing-along. Students gathered at the festival grounds on Wageningen Campus and sang along to covers of classic hits and famous pop songs performed by cover band GuteNAbend. 'It doesn't feel like it's the third day,' Ruth says. 'It feels like the AID has been going on for weeks. In a positive sense!'

Over the next few days, there will be many more experiences to enjoy, especially in the area of education. Introduction students can take a campus tour, attend workshops and meet fellow students from their Bachelor or Master programme. The latter will happen during a new "study day", which allows students to attend a trial day for the programme they chose.
During the closing festival, students will be able to try food from Wageningen restaurants and dance the night away. With no less than three stages, the AID is poised to deliver a true explosion of music. A great way to kick off the new academic year.