Landholders with rateable land or a Property Identification Code (PIC) will soon receive their 2021 Annual Return of Land and Stock (Annual Return) in the mail. It is a legislative requirement that Annual Returns are lodged by 31 August each year, even if you have no stock.
The information you provide in your Annual Return allows us to:
- quickly and accurately respond to emergency or biosecurity events
- protect our 'clean and green' reputation against pests and diseases
- build a state-wide picture of agricultural land use and livestock numbers
- monitor flocks and herds for emergency animal diseases
- help keep domestic and international markets open.
Annual Returns can be completed via our online portal or returned by post to Local Land Services, Locked Bag 6013, Orange NSW 2800. The Annual Return will contain details on how to lodge.
As always, your local North Coast staff will be available to answer any questions you have regarding the Annual Return requirements. Please note that we are not authorised to receipt or lodge your Annual Return on your behalf.