Kempsey Shire Council
Kempsey Shire Council will be undertaking spraying of sports fields and cemeteries to get rid of those pesky broadleaf weeds like bindiis and clovers. This will take place between 26 August – 13 September, weather permitting.
We will put up signs in the areas we are working on, so you know when it is happening. During the spraying, these spots will be closed for a little while and we will have staff there to make sure everything Is safe. Once the chemicals dry, the fields will reopen for normal use.
Spraying will be carried out in line with Council's Pesticide Notification Plan.
The spraying locations include:
- Verge/Eden Street sports fields
- Verge 1 sports field
- Services Club Park
- South Kempsey/Jim Stirling sports field
- Kemp Street cricket field
- Gladstone sports field
- Crescent Head sports field (Baker Drive)
- Smithtown sports field
- West Kempsey Cemetery
- East Kempsey Cemetery
- Frederickton Cemetery
The chemical being used is Stadium Turf Selective Herbicide.
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