APEC trade ministers from 21 member economies issued a joint statement upon conclusion of their meeting in Arequipa on 17-18 May.
The statement reflects the outcomes of the 2024 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Meeting chaired by Peru's Minister of Foreign Trade and Tourism Elizabeth Galdo.
In the statement, APEC trade ministers recognized that trade has been facing strong headwinds in recent times, and reiterated their commitment to keeping markets open, removing unnecessary barriers to trade and strengthening trade and investment facilitation for all.
They reiterated the importance of continuing to advance the Free Trade Area of the Asia-Pacific (FTAAP) agenda as an important shared initiative in a manner that is market-driven and that contributes to high standard and comprehensive regional undertakings.
Ministers also encouraged the promotion of trade and investment in products that lead to positive environmental outcomes and reaffirmed their commitment to further promote trade policies and programs that reduce obstacles and improve their capacities to participate in global markets, including through global and regional value chains.
View the 2024 APEC Ministers Responsible for Trade Joint Statement