App-savvy motorists put pressure on fuel prices

Elise Archer,Minister for Workplace Safety and Consumer Affairs

More than 53,000 Tasmanian motorists have now benefitted from real-time fuel pricing, helping to reduce their cost of living and keeping downward pressure on retail fuel prices.

The Tasmanian Government "FuelCheck TAS" Scheme was launched in September 2020, which requires fuel retailers to update their prices as soon as changes occur.

Our Government then introduced the FuelCheck TAS app to give the general public a platform to view and search real-time fuel prices across Tasmania, which was followed by RACT's "Fuel Saver" app earlier this year.

The combined downloads of these two apps have exceeded 53,000, which is great news for motorists and is helping to ease the cost on family budgets.

As more and more people discover these benefits, we expect the Scheme will put downward pressure on retail fuel prices and discourage significant price increases at the bowser.

The FuelCheck TAS app is free and available to download on both the Apple and Android app stores.

Tasmanian motorists can find out more on the Consumer, Building and Occupational Services (CBOS) website at

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