Apple Saket now open in New Delhi

Apple Saket opened today in the heart of India's thriving capital of New Delhi. The new retail location serves as a welcoming space where customers can shop Apple's full lineup of products and services, receive exceptional support from team members, and learn how to get the most out of their devices by participating in free Today at Apple sessions.

Presented in a roundtable-style format for an even more personalized experience, Apple Saket's Today at Apple sessions are designed for everyone from photographers and musicians to first-time Apple customers.

Customers line up outside of Apple Saket ahead of the store's grand opening.

The store's team members help customers learn about the full range of Apple products and services.

A customer shows off vintage Apple products.

Customers came from near and far to celebrate the opening of Apple Saket.

A customer explores iPhone 14 in the new yellow color.

From left to right: (1) A customer tries out AirPods Max. (2) A team member at Apple Saket greets a customer.
From top to bottom: (1) A customer tries out AirPods Max. (2) A team member at Apple Saket greets a customer.

A customer explores the Apple Watch lineup with an assist from an Apple team member.

A customer tries out the latest iMac.

The dedicated Apple Pickup area inside Apple Saket allows customers to enjoy fast and easy pickup.

Apple Saket's team members help a customer make a purchase.

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