Applications for Greater Shepparton City Council's 2023 Australia Day Grants program are now open.

The grants provide funding of up to $3,000 to community groups who wish to recognise Australia Day with an event or acknowledgement ceremony held between Wednesday 25 and Friday 27 January 2023.
The grants aim to support and strengthen the community, while bringing people together to recognise Australia Day and give credit to the hard working community members who have been nominated for an Australia Day award.
The funding can assist with the facilitation of an event or acknowledgment ceremony which meets a range of objectives including providing a welcoming and inclusive event for the whole community, showcasing community identity by engaging local talent, and recognising the full history of Aboriginal Australia.
In 2022, $8,900 in grant funding was shared between five local clubs for their events and ceremonies, including Murchison Australia Day Committee, Tatura Australia Day Committee, Kiwanis Club of Mooroopna, Arcadia Committee of Management and Toolamba Lions Club.
Mayor, Councillor Shane Sali encouraged other local service clubs and committees to apply for funding for 2023.
"Funding of between $500 and $3000 is available for each of the successful applicants to put towards their individual acknowledgement ceremonies, so we encourage any eligible service clubs and committees to apply," he said.
"At the October Council Meeting, Council resolved to undertake further conversations with the community around January 26 in 2023 to ensure it is inclusive, culturally respectful and meaningful for the region.
"Greater Shepparton Australia Day and Citizenships Ceremonies will remain the same in 2023 and we look forward to consulting on what they will look like for the future."