Apply To Have Your Specialised Aged Care Services Recognised

Department of Health

Aged care providers who deliver specialised services for people with diverse needs can apply to have their services verified through the Specialisation Verification Program.

Specialisation Verification recognises that the specialised care delivered by verified providers goes beyond the standard obligations of the Aged Care Quality Standards. The specialisation is displayed on the provider's My Aged Care profile.

Many older people from diverse backgrounds use the 'Find a Provider' tool on My Aged Care to search for providers that deliver specialised care. Verified providers appear in these search results, making it easier for people to find services that meet their needs.

To apply for verification, providers must show how their service meets the needs of people who have diverse experiences, backgrounds and characteristics. This includes individuals who identify with one or more of the groups outlined in the new Aged Care Act which comes into effect from 1 July 2025.

All aged care providers can apply for Specialisation Verification, including those offering in-home care services.

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