Appointment Of New Austrade CEO 3 March

Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade

The Albanese Government is pleased to announce the appointment of Dr Paul Grimes PSM as the new Chief Executive Officer of the Australian Trade and Investment Commission (Austrade).

Austrade plays a critical role helping Australian businesses to grow and reach new markets, attract investment including to build a Future Made in Australia and promoting Australia as a premier destination for tourism and study.

Having held a number of senior positions across state, federal and territory governments, Dr Grimes is a highly experienced public servant and brings a wealth of knowledge to the role. He has previously served as Secretary of the NSW Department of Treasury, as well as Secretary of the Federal Department of Agriculture and the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Population and Communities.

Dr Grimes joins Austrade from his current positions as Chair of the NSW Net Zero Commission and Chair of the National Archives of Australia Advisory Council, among other roles.

In recognition of his outstanding work in the development of the Australian Government's response to the global financial crisis, he was awarded the Australian Public Service Medal in 2010.

I look forward to working closely with him to continue to support local businesses to expand, reach new markets and create more jobs in Australia.

I would like to give my thanks again to former CEO Mr Xavier Simonet for his distinguished service, and to Acting CEO, Daniel Boyer, for his strong and effective leadership of Austrade during the CEO transition period.

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