His Majesty The King has approved the appointment of the Honourable Mr Justice Adam Johnson as a Judicial Commissioner of the Judicial Appointments Commission (JAC) for 3 years commencing 1 October 2022.
The JAC is an independent body that selects candidates for judicial office in courts and tribunals in England and Wales, and for some tribunals with a UK-wide jurisdiction.
JAC Commissioners are appointed, under Schedule 12(1) of the Constitutional Reform Act 2005, by His Majesty The King on the recommendation of the Lord Chancellor.
The appointment of The Honourable Mr Justice Adam Johnson was made in accordance with Regulation 10 of the Judicial Appointment Commission Regulations 2013.
The Honourable Mr Justice Adam Johnson, who has been a High Court judge - assigned to the Chancery Division - since 2020, was admitted as a solicitor in 1990 and took Silk in 2017. He was appointed as a Deputy High Court Judge in 2018.