Approval Process For Camping On Private Land

Thinking about setting up camping on your property? We've had a number of enquiries, so here's an explainer of the approval process:

When approval isn't needed (exemptions)

Camping might not need approval if it's minor, like a family member using a tent or caravan alongside the main home. Farmers may also benefit from the 2022 Agritourism Reforms, allowing camping to complement their agricultural activities.

When approval is needed

If your situation doesn't meet exemption criteria, you can apply for a DA to set up options like farm stays, primitive camping grounds, caravan parks, or eco-tourism facilities.

You may also have to provide Council with more detailed information when you lodge your DA. The level of information will depend on the restrictions that apply to the site.

What are primitive camp grounds?

Primitive campgrounds are basic, low-impact camping facilities with minimal amenities like no electricity or running water. Setting one up requires compliance with zoning, bushfire safety, flood risk, emergency plans, and sewage management to ensure safe and sustainable operation.

In zones that permit camp grounds, a DA is required. This application must consider standard planning requirements under both Council and NSW Government regulations.

Approval requirements include:

  • Zoning: Ensure the land is zoned appropriately.
  • Bushfire: Meet the Rural Fire Service (RFS) requirements.
  • Flooding: Evaluation of the flood risk of the area.
  • Emergency Evacuation Procedures: Plan for emergency evacuation.
  • Operational Procedures: Address on-site sewage management (OSSM) and grey water disposal.

A common hurdle for operators is the location of their on-site sewerage. Applicants should seek advice early from a specialist consultant to determine feasible location and types of systems available.

We're currently updating our webpage to explain this process further. Keep an eye on our caravan parks and camping grounds webpage for information or visit our camping on private land webpage.

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