Ararat Mayor chosen for Local Government advisory panel

Ararat Mayor chosen for Local Government advisory panel

Ararat Rural City will again have a place on the Local Government Mayoral Advisory Panel, with Mayor Cr Jo Armstrong being appointed from a high-quality field of applicants by Minister for Local Government, The Hon. Adem Somyurek.

This is the second consecutive year Ararat Rural City's Mayor has been chosen for the advisory panel, giving the municipality a strong voice that goes straight to the heart of government.

Cr Armstrong said she was honoured to be appointed to the panel and would use the opportunity to help focus attention on the unique set of challenges that rural and regional councils and their communities face.

"I will be raising important issues that affect our residents and communities including housing stock levels, the transport of goods to market, and the retention of skilled workers in the region," she said.

"The advisory panel is an incredibly important opportunity for Ararat and will give us a strong voice with the State Government. I intend to speak on behalf of our community and raise the issues and needs that are important to them, seeking ways the government can help Ararat Rural City Council meet those needs."

Ararat Rural City Council's previous Mayor Cr Peter Beales served on the advisory panel last year.

Cr Armstrong will meet face-to-face with Minister Somyurek every quarter along with Mayors from 14 other regional and metropolitan Victorian councils.

The purpose of the panel is to provide high-level advice to the Minister on a range of matters that impact on local government including legislative, regulatory, strategic and policy decisions. The first advisory panel meeting will be held at the end of February in Melbourne, with Cr Armstrong due to provide a report to Council at the March meeting.

Ararat CEO Dr Tim Harrison congratulated Cr Armstrong on her appointment to the panel.

"The Council is delighted Ararat Rural City will again have a voice on the advisory panel, and we are looking forward to hearing Cr Armstrong's reports from the meetings."

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