Today, Australian Research Council (ARC) Deputy Chief Executive Officer Dr Richard Johnson attended the launch of the ARC Training Centre for Optimal Ageing.
Led by Monash University, the ARC Training Centre aims to train the next generation of digital health scientists while developing advanced technological solutions to assist older Australians to lead active and fulfilling lives.
By working alongside several industry partners, the research team at the ARC Training Centre will be addressing the challenges and opportunities that have arisen as our population ages, including social connectedness, productivity, and overall quality of life.
"The ARC Training Centre for Optimal Ageing will put Australia at the forefront of creating innovative solutions that improve the wellbeing, independence and social connectedness of our ageing population," Dr Johnson said.
"Training Centres funded by the ARC's Industrial Transformation Research Program are vital in fostering collaboration between universities and industry to develop the most cutting-edge research in Australia and to provide an opportunity for intergenerational knowledge and skills transmission among researchers to build Australia's capability," said Dr Johnson.
The ARC Training Centre will provide research specialists with knowledge and practical experience in data analytics, digital health commercialisation, and end-user engagement to ensure an industry-ready class of scientists.
The ARC is investing more than $4.5 million over 5 years under the ARC Industrial Transformation Research Hubs scheme.
The Training Centre is expected to attract 17 PhD Students, 4 Researchers, and 24 Research Fellows.