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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
All.Can Australia Unites Voices for World Cancer Day
UK Embassy Montevideo Launches Leader for Day 2024 Contest
$11.5M Pledged for Eco-Friendly Ice and Snow Control
NASA's Europa Clipper Fully Equipped for Science Mission
UN Workers accused of helping Hamas
Post-Brexit Trust in Fisheries Institutions Alarmingly Low: Study
Improving Glioma Treatment Through Cell Behavior Mapping
Housing Ombudsman Finds Severe Maladministration at Wandle
Exeter University Fuels Efforts to Enhance Legal Ethics
Designating ISIS Supporters
Apple Card Promotes Healthier Financial Lifestyles for Users
Green Solution Emerges for Treating Striped Bass Bacteria
Urban Growth Raises Questions on Trash, Wastewater, Emissions
Oversized Planet Discovery Challenges Solar System Models
Wildfires Alter Aquatic Ecosystems, Impacting Wildlife and Water
Nauru National Day 31 January
Research Reveals Why Placenta Separation Issues Risk Births
UK PM, Irish Taoiseach Varadkar Confer on 30 January 2024
Worst Case of False Record-Making Stuns Commissioner
Minow Debate Series Probes Impact of Citizens United on Democracy
Genin Receives Savio L-Y. Woo Translational Biomechanics Medal
Tie between most common obesity surgeries
Nearly Six Million US Women Report Pregnancy from Assault
UK, Greece Strengthen Trade, Security Ties
Pulling Metric Numbers Landing Page
Pulling Metrics Article page
NASA's Five-Year BioNutrients Space Experiment Nears End
Police Deploy Body Cams in Jet Ski Hoon Crackdown on Peninsula
New European Registry of Exonerations Analyzes Justice Miscarriages
New Law Still Leaves Some Canadians at Risk of Genetic Bias: Study
Black Physicists Society Discusses Physics Frontiers at ORNL Tour
IATA Updates 2024 Cargo & Ground Handling Manuals
AI Aids in Early Ovarian Cancer Diagnosis Development
Scientists: Good Pre/Postnatal Nutrition Cuts Childhood Obesity Risk
FSU Hub's 24-Hr Sprint Tackles Human Trafficking Solutions
Police charge man after Williamstown fire
Startups Outpace Established Firms in Emerging Industry Innovation
Cell Phone Vibrators Aid in 3D Tumor Drug Screening
Gut Microbiota Linked to Respirity Virus Severity: Study
Shopping Mall Walking Program Boosts Daily Steps via Smartphone
MCA, CBSA Launch Permanent Domestic Lane at Cornwall Port
Canada Launches Study on Toronto's Winter Air Pollution
Experts Urge Speedy Reform in Multi-Agency Safeguarding Practice
Sleeve Gastrectomy vs Roux-en-Y Gastric Bypass Compared
Concerns Over Costs, Time Off, COVID-19 Deter Elders From Surgery
Genomic Time Machine Unveils DNA Mysteries
Lord Parkinson Addresses Arts Scholars at Annual Banquet
Consumer Sentiment Soars to Two-Year High Amid Positive Outlook