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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
Scientists Deploy Chain-Type Tethered Satellites Using Only Tether
Hollings Researchers Discover Targets for Resilient Breast Cancers
City of Culture Year Boosts Coventry, Report Shows
Mastering Forgetting: New Tool Against Dangerous AI
Novel Antibodies Combat Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria
Climate Impact's Finance Gap 50% Larger Than Estimated
Climate Model Illuminates Ice-Age Climate Variability
WHO Updates Tuberculosis Treatment and Monitoring Profiles
CU Boulder Sets New Record in Research Funding Year
Southampton Scientists Urge Discussions on Mental Health Costs
Case Western Launches Institute for Glial Sciences
Working-Age Sight Loss: Under-Researched Issue
Silkworms Fed Rare Earth Ion-Modified Diets Produce Strong Silk
Antibodies Neutralize Resistant Bacteria
Underground Car Parks Elevate Groundwater Temperatures: Study
Horizon Programme's Cluster 2 Info Day at Autonomous U of Barcelona
Metabolic Elasticity: New Screening Strategy for Ageing, Obesity
Smoke-Free Law in Singapore Prevents 20,000 Senior Heart Attacks
Gravitational Lensing Impacts Cosmic Birefringence, Study Finds
App Boosts Liver Surgery Safety Via Smartphone
Canada Forms New Alliance for Dementia Research Advancement
WHO, BMJ Gather Experts for Youth Mental Health on Digital Platforms
Mode-Locking and Dissipative Solitons in Fiber Lasers
Protein's Role in Plant Stability and Lignin Polymerization Unveiled
Opto-Physical Functions Benefit from Random Winkles
Australia Urged to Rectify Climate Finance Ahead of Forum
Jurassic Fossils Uncover Secrets of Lamprey Evolution
High-Res Images of Magnesium Ions With CRISPR Enzyme Captured
Research: Plant Establishment Conditions Crucial for Biodiversity
UK Gov Unveils Home Fact Sheets, Capacity Analysis Tool
Johns Hopkins Develops AI to Predict Osteosarcoma Chemo Success
Apocalypse debate set for Nov. 9
UK Gov Awards £17M Contract for Force Protection Tech
Probing Coral Microbiome Changes Under Hypoxia Conditions
COP28 Participants Get Strengthened Code of Conduct
Waterloo Cybersecurity Institute Lands $3.3M NCC Funding
Blinken Meets Saudi Defense Minister Prince Khalid Al Saud
Big Soil Stocktake: Bridging Data Gap
US Demands Immediate Halt to Attacks in North Darfur, Sudan
Federated States of Micronesia National Day
UNESCO-Japan Prize Honours Guatemalan Sustainability Projects
Berkeley Castle Tales: New Book Unveils 15-Year Archaeology Find
$40M Powerball Mints 21 New Aussie Millionaires
Stillbirth Risk Rises After Covid Infection
Menopause's Impact on Heart Health: 4 Key Tips
Vigilant Defense 24: US Air Force Welcomes Follow-On Forces
Dad's Depression, Anxiety Impact Kids, McGill Study Finds
IAEA: Tritium Levels in Third ALPS Batch Well Below Limit