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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
It's Not Just: National campaign raises youth awareness about gender-based violence
IAEA Mission Says Austria Committed to Safe Management of Radioactive Waste
Will Twitter Survive Elon Musk?
Reliable planning tool for emissions path to achieving Paris temperature goal
Penn State Addiction Center for Translation to host annual symposium on Dec. 6
Government consulting on clean hydrogen and labour conditions for clean investment tax credits
IMF Completes Third Review Under Extended Fund Facility for Seychelles
Hospital level care at home
Scientists identify key brain cells that underlie stress-related behaviors
Small fish could play big role in fight against malnutrition
Early life experiences can have long-lasting impact on genes
New genetic mutation behind childhood glaucoma identified
Interior Department Strengthens Tribal Consultation Policies and Procedures
Secretary General Stoltenberg praises German support to Ukraine, key role in NATO
University of Toronto President Meric Gertler calls for cross-sector collaboration at Climate Economy Summit
Research reveals effect of virtual social training
U.S. Mission to Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe 2 December
Remarks by President Biden and President Emmanuel Macron of France at Arrival Ceremony
London competition offering at Ashurst expands with new partner hire
Immune T-cell defense copes with concerns with Covid variants - for now
What stress does to your brain, and what future remedies could look like
Glutaminase inhibitors rejuvenate human skin via clearance of senescent cells
Two Cambridge researchers awarded Royal Academy of Engineering Chair in Emerging Technologies
Hibernating Corals and Microbiomes That Sustain Them
LLNL Forensic Science Center team develops new technique to analyze fentanyl in blood and urine
IMO supports Central America and Dominican Republic on thematic priorities
Down syndrome research should look at whole cell, not just extra chromosome
Ranches of future could be home to cows wearing sensors in smartwatches powered by their movements
How gravity can cause irritable bowel syndrome
Positively charged nanomaterials treat obesity wherever you want
Owl-shaped paintings may have been on wish list of Copper Age children
Mars megatsunami may have been caused by Chicxulub-like asteroid impact
Atlantic hurricane season ends, impacts continue
Optimal blood tests for development of new therapies of Alzheimer's disease
Seizure of contraband and unauthorized items at Joyceville Institution 2 December
Course examines sexual and gender identity in STEM
Tiny fish could unlock big gains in tackling global malnutrition
Old-growth trees more drought tolerant than younger ones, providing buffer against climate change
Researchers analyze hair to study war trauma among Syrian refugee children
Impaired neurons are source of human brain inflammation in Alzheimer's
SARS-COV-2 positivity, patient-reported well-being 3 months after symptomatic illness
Legalization of medical marijuana and opioid and pain-related outcomes among patients receiving cancer treatment
Tissue growth is affected by whether local environment is solid or liquid
Do women age differently than men?
Canada and FCM support strengthened asset management in Quebec communities 2 December
Federal Reserve Board issues enforcement action with Deutsche Bank Trust Company Americas
Long-term covid patients and those with other illnesses experience similar, negative lingering effects during pandemic
Early life experiences can have long-lasting effects on genes