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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
UW researchers working to improve and simplify models for how PFAS flows through ground
Genetic cause of ALS and dementia repaired with RNA targeting strategy developed at UF Scripps
Skewed X chromosome silencing may indicate risk of chronic disease
Scientists uncover drug target for coronavirus that could prevent immune system from shutting down
Oncotarget | Association of fall rate and functional status by APOE genotype
Type 2 diabetes genes linked to gestational diabetes in South Asian women
Fear of Covid continues to negatively affect mental well-being
Canada, Gitga'at and Gitxaala Nations announce new guidelines to improve marine safety on North Pacific Coast
Effective national and regional strategies to tackle governance and security challenges will be critical to countering piracy
New legal powers to support Armed Forces families and Veterans
Economic Restrictions in West Bank Exact $50 Billion Toll between 2000 and 2020
Supporting aging population experiencing homelessness: SFU research
Popular strategies for reducing gasoline use aren't getting chance to work
Press Gaggle of Vice President Harris aboard Philippine Coast Guard Ship Teresa Magbanua
Guidance for solicitors on reporting serious misconduct is legally deficient and lacks clarity, experts warm
Police urge school leavers to party safely as Schoolies 2022 commences
Scientists eye embroidery as cheap solution to make wearable electronics
Secretary Blinken comments to press
UW Trustees Move Forward on President's Evaluation
Stairway and pathway on Parliament Hill closed for season 23 November
Queen Mary academics win prestigious European research funding
IMF Approves SDR 406.87 million Precautionary and Liquidity Line for North Macedonia
Researchers find decrease in crucial trace element preceded ancient mass extinction
Chemicals can undermine global plastics agreement
It is still too early to use artificial intelligence for criminal justice, says Concordia PhD student
Scientists using inexpensive 3D printer to develop new methods of creating microspheres
Intangible Cultural Heritage: Committee meets to decide on new inscriptions 23 November
NASA's space telescope reveals exoplanet atmosphere as never seen before
Dedicated kosher, halal and allergy-friendly kitchen spaces coming to Sharpe Refectory
Interaction between epidemics, preventive information and mass media
New Jersey women who live in expensive rental neighborhoods are more likely to experience labor and delivery complications
Gene-delivering viruses reach brain in step toward gene therapy for neurological diseases
Association for benzodiazepine treatment for sleep disorders With drug overdose risk among young people
Association between prenatal exposure to benzodiazepines and development of autism spectrum
Engineer s assess climate change emissions
James Webb reveals atmospheric secrets of exoplanet
New research into atmospheric make-up of distant planet sheds light on its origins
HIV infection leaves a "memory" in cells
New from JWST: Exoplanet Atmosphere as Never Seen Before
2022 Gallery of Fluid Motion Winners Announced
Biden Administration Announces Six-Week Campaign to Get More Americans to Its Updated Covid Vaccine Before Year's End
MP Bains Announces Over 21 Million New Trees in Partnership with Tree Canada
Remarks by Vice President Harris aboard Philippine Coast Guard Ship Teresa Magbanua
Authorisation application deadlines for Christmas period 2022
New era of exoplanet exploration begins with 'remarkable' JWST study of WASP-39b
Draft Legislation: Ship Safety - Merchant Shipping Regulations 2023
Hill receives grant for healthy aging research
Supporting aging population experiencing homelessness