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Live news updates and headlines from Australia and the world as developments unfolding. Stay up to date with all of the 24/7 live coverage from first-hand sources. Australia's premier source of non-aligned, independent, real-time, OSINT news.
Tasmanian Christian schools to train their own teachers
Seizure of contraband and unauthorized items at Joyceville Institution 17 November
Gambling reform is everybody's business
Johns Hopkins Researchers Design 'Prodrug' That Targets Cancer Cells' Big Appetite for Glutamine, Leaving Healthy Cells Unharmed
Police appeal to find woman missing from north
Police charge man over hit and run at Nowra
Get ready for Wine Tourism and Cellar Door Grants
Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by First Lady Jill Biden at Smithsonian's Hirshhorn Sculpture Garden Groundbreaking
New observation method helps unlock secrets of U.K. meteorite
Experts of Committee on Elimination of Racial Discrimination Commend France on Ceasing Police Checks of French Traveller Community
Second U.S.-ROK Working Group Meeting on DPRK Cyber Threat
Risks of potentially catastrophic spillover of Russia-Ukraine war remain all too real
Assistant Secretary Kang travels to Helsinki and Stockholm
What is behind uptick in antisemitic hate speech?
Remarks as Prepared for Delivery by First Lady Jill Biden at College Promise Careers Institute
International flood rescue specialists arrive
Gossypetin in hibiscus may beat Alzheimer's
Long-term changes to kelp forests from 'the blob'
NSW SES operational update 17 november
Statement regarding Mr Djokovic
RACGP announces GP training leadership appointments
Australia endorses international Ocean Conservation Pledge
Saving Sydney's Built Heritage - World Heritage listing push for Parramatta Female Factory
New team to tackle domestic violence in Redlands
Historic colonial billiard table acquired by National Museum of Australia
RACGP: GPs need more support to help patients with long COVID
Deadly coral disease in Florida, Caribbean may be transported in ship hulls
Winchcombe meteorite holds information about origin of Earth's oceans
Stephanie Alexander to visit Mt Molloy State School
Mums' activity levels may depend on number and ages of children
Flag Officer Announcements 17 November
Ashurst advises Napo Limited on Series Investment Round
Thousands of Tasmanian devils are dying from cancer - but a new vaccine approach could help us save them
To stop new viruses jumping across to humans, we must protect and restore flying fox habitat
REDcycle's collapse is more proof that plastic recycling is a broken system
Aging | IGF1 gene therapy in middle-aged female rats delays reproductive senescence through its effects on hypothalamic GnRH
Is ayahuasca safe? New study tallies adverse events
Mothers who have young or multiple children may engage in less intense physical activity
Regional Movers Index September quarter
Our health system is like a 'worn pair of shorts'
Earth can regulate its own temperature over millennia, new study finds
Pirongia neighbours urged to collaborate with DOC on feral goats
Moms' activity levels may depend on number and ages of children
How is puberty onset developmentally programmed?
Health gains from EVs must be used to drive the transition
Japan-U.S. Extended Deterrence Dialogue
Grassroots campaigning shapes PhD research
Coordinated breakthrough in our response to violent extremism in Sahel is urgently needed