In February and March 2022, the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) is participating in several recurring joint Arctic exercises alongside the United States (U.S.) military in Alaska and other locations across North America to enhance the ability of our military organizations to operate effectively together. Arctic exercises strengthen situational awareness, information sharing and operational capabilities in the Arctic.
The CAF is taking part in:
- Exercise ARCTIC EDGE, led by U.S. Alaskan Command and supported by U.S. Northern Command;
- Joint Pacific Multinational Readiness Center (JPMRC), led by the U.S. Army in Alaska;
- Exercise ARCTIC EAGLE-PATRIOT, led by the Alaska National Guard; and
- ICE EXERCISE (ICEX), led by the U.S. Navy.
In addition to these exercises, Arctic activities in February and March 2022 also include Operation NANOOK-NUNALIVUT that concludes on February 28, 2022, and North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD)'s Operation NOBLE DEFENDER taking place on March 16, 2022 in Alaska, northern Canada, and off the coast of Greenland. The CAF continues to make progress in the implementation of Canada's defence policy - Strong, Secure, Engaged by increasing presence in the Arctic over the long-term and working cooperatively with Arctic and non-Arctic partners.
Our armed forces maintain a year-round presence in the Arctic through a host of Canadian navy, army, and air force joint domestic and international operations, exercises, and training activities. A stable, rules-based order in the Arctic benefits all Arctic community nations and peoples by facilitating economic development, fostering regional cooperation on shared challenges, and ensuring a stable, conflict-free Arctic. Canada's priority is to maintain the Arctic as a zone of global cooperation and to ensure that the rules-based international order is preserved.