Arrest Made After Stolen Car Driven Kings Park-Heidelberg

Police have arrested a man allegedly found in possession of a stolen vehicle in Heidelberg Heights this morning.

Officers caught sight of an allegedly stolen white Mazda in the vicinity of Braeswood Road in Kings Park about 2.45am.

It is alleged the Mazda reached speeds of up to 120km/hr on Kings Road in Delahey.

The Mazda continued on to the Calder Freeway allegedly increasing to speeds in excess of 150km/hr.

Police continued to track the vehicle along the Tullamarine Freeway and into Melbourne's inner northern suburbs.

It's alleged the Mazda narrowly avoided colliding with a truck on Bell Street and crashed into a street sign on Redwood Street, in Heidelberg West.

The Mazda came to a stop on Southern Road in Heidelberg Heights.

Officers moved in and arrested the alleged driver.

He will be interviewed by police.

Investigators allege the Mazda was stolen from an Ormond address in February.

Anyone with information or footage is urged to contact Crime Stoppers on 1800 333 000 or submit a confidential report online at

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