What is the issue?
Non-genuine providers and bad faith operators who engage in illicit or unethical activities damage the reputation of the sector and present a significant threat to the integrity of VET.
ASQA's tip-off line has provided a steady stream of high-quality leads, significantly bolstering our ability to detect bad provider behaviour and protect students. It is important that the community understands how the information received from tip-offs is used, so that there is confidence that tip-offs remain a vital source of regulatory intelligence for ASQA.
Since its launch, we have received more than 3,200 tip-offs with around 60% of information leading to actionable intelligence.
ASQA continues to encourage tips-offs. Our VET tip-off line provides a safe and confidential avenue for current and former students, staff and other potential whistle-blowers to report alleged illegal and serious non-compliance activity.
ASQA is bound by the provisions of the Privacy Act 1988