Assistant Secretary of State for African Affairs Molly Phee and Special Envoy for the Horn of Africa Mike Hammer visited Mogadishu, Somalia February 15-16, 2024. In a meeting with President Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, they discussed the current state of play in the region and the importance of avoiding further tensions. They reiterated U.S. support for Somalia's sovereignty and territorial integrity and discussed the importance of counterterrorism efforts and planning for a seamless transition from the African Union Transition Mission in Somalia (ATMIS) to a new multinational force post-ATMIS. Assistant Secretary Phee and President Hassan Sheikh presided over the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the construction of facilities for the Somali National Army's "Danab" advanced infantry brigade, a cornerstone of the U.S.-Somalia security partnership. In a meeting with Somali parliamentarians, the delegation discussed the importance of inclusive and transparent constitutional reform. The delegation also met international partners to discuss shared interests in promoting security and stability in Somalia. Assistant Secretary Phee recognized International Woman of Courage nominee LTC Iman Elman for her courageous leadership of the Somali National Army's Civil Affairs Directorate and life-long advocate for peace, human rights, and dignity.
Assistant Secretary Phee Heads to Somalia
Department of State
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