ATLAS Celebrates Its 2024 Thesis Award Winners

The 2024 ATLAS Thesis Award ceremony. From left to right: ATLAS Spokesperson Andreas Hoecker; ATLAS Thesis Award winners Christian Appelt, Shalini Epari, Kaito Sugizaki, Ana Luisa Moreira de Carvalho, Martino Tanasini, Makayla Vessella and Emily Ann Smith; ATLAS Thesis Awards Committee Chair Jean-François Arguin; and ATLAS Collaboration Board Chair Maria Jose Costa. Not pictured: ATLAS Thesis Award winner Aric Tate. (Image: K. Anthony/CERN)

Congratulations to the winners of the 2024 ATLAS thesis awards. Every year, these awards celebrate the outstanding achievements made by PhD students working with the collaboration, recognising the significant impact of their research on physics analyses, detector advancements and software development.

"The ATLAS Thesis Awards not only recognise the dedication and excellence of our early-career researchers but also underscore the critical role they play in advancing the experiment's scientific mission," said Jean-François Arguin, Chair of the 2024 Thesis Awards Committee. "This year's submissions were of an exceptional standard, reflecting the depth and breadth of research within ATLAS."

Explore the winning theses:

This year's award ceremony took place on 20 February in CERN's Main Auditorium. More details can be found on the ATLAS collaboration website.

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