Aussie Meat Trade Hub launches

MLA's International Markets team has launched a source for resources to assist with buying, selling and marketing Australian goatmeat across global markets.

The new Aussie Meat Trade Hub features a range of key goatmeat resources, in addition to beef and lamb, and is accessible to international customers, goatmeat exporters, and goatmeat producers.

Goatmeat producers can access information on how their products continue through the value chain – and exporters, importers and end-users (such as retailers, butchers and chefs) will find better ways to maximise their marketing and global access.

International customers can use the Exporters Database on the website to find exporters promoting goatmeat products. Importers can now make direct enquiries to potential exporters within the database.

Goatmeat exporters can also apply to be listed on the database to grow their customer base.

Users can also apply to be licensed to use MLA's Aussie Goat trademark logo for their international marketing and promotions activities, and access free goatmeat images in the Assets section.

The licensing application process has been simplified and translated into multiple languages.

The hub also includes global insights, providing easy-to-comprehend market data and insights.

The site is open to all users but for the best experience, users are encouraged to log-in using their myMLA account details.

Visit the Hub here.

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