Key meetings
As Australian Chief Plant Protection Officer, Dr Gabrielle Vivian-Smith's work aims to protect Australia's plant-based industries and plants in our natural environment from exotic and harmful plant pests and diseases.
Gabrielle represents the Australian Government in national arrangements for plant health and international plant health engagement, including the International Plant Protection Convention (IPPC) and the IPPC's Commission on Phytosanitary Measures (CPM). The IPPC is the intergovernmental treaty that aims to protect the world's plants, agricultural products and natural resources from plant pests. The 185 contracting parties collaborate to develop, adopt and promote the application of International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures as the main tool to safeguard global food security, facilitate safe trade and protect the environment.
During March Gabrielle is in Rome to attend the annual CPM session at the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, representing the Australian National Plant Protection Organisation (or NPPO), which is the Australian Government Department of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry). This is a significant meeting designed to promote cooperation of contracting parties and relevant stakeholders to implement the objectives of the IPPC. This year, contracting parties to the IPPC will be considering the adoption of international standards and discuss global issues significant to plant health, including sea container cleanliness, e-commerce, electronic certification, One health, and the implementation of plant health standards.
Ahead of the meeting, Gabrielle will also represent the Southwest Pacific region at the CPM Bureau meeting. The CPM Bureau is composed of seven members representing the seven FAO regions, including Africa, Asia, Europe, Latin America and the Caribbean, Near East, North America and Southwest Pacific. The purpose of the Bureau is to provide guidance to the CPM on the strategic direction, financial and operational management of its activities in cooperation with others as approved by CPM.
In late March 2025 Gabrielle will be attending the Plant Health Committee (PHC) meeting in Western Australia. The focus of the meeting is to improve plant biosecurity outcomes, manage plant biosecurity risks and facilitate domestic trade within Australia through national leadership, strategic direction and collaboration with stakeholders. This national committee is made up of Chief Plant Health Managers in each state and territory, who contribute to the development of national plant health policy, capacity and capability in Australia, by representing their governments on plant health issues. As Australian Chief Plant Protection Officer, Gabrielle represents the Australian Government on the PHC.
International Day of Plant Health
A significant day for plant biosecurity is the International Day of Plant Health, celebrated each year on 12 May. This year the theme is "The Importance of Plant Health to One Health" to demonstrate the importance of an integrated, unifying approach to the health of people, domestic and wild animals, plants, and the wider environment including ecosystems and show that they are closely linked and inter-dependent. You can take part in this important day to raise awareness on how protecting plant health can help end hunger, reduce poverty, protect biodiversity and the environment, and boost economic development.