Aussie Support Boosts Global Allied Aircraft Fleet

Department of Defence

In a significant boost to Australia's defence industry and sovereign capability, the United States Navy's MQ-4C Triton aircraft fleet will undergo comprehensive maintenance, repair and overhaul at RAAF Base Edinburgh. The New Zealand Defence Force has also confirmed a similar intent for their fleet of P-8A Poseidon aircraft.

These initiatives support the delivery of the priorities outlined in the Defence Industry Development Strategy, strengthening the Sovereign Defence Industry Priority Number 1 - Maintenance, Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade of Australian Defence Force and trusted partner aircraft in Australia.

The project demonstrates Australia's capacity to support complex aerospace sustainment operations and highlights the benefit of close cooperation between Australian defence industry, our international partners and South Australian Government.

Significantly, the servicing will inject up to $160 million into the local economy; and create and sustain 80 highly skilled jobs across Adelaide, supporting local businesses and fostering innovation within defence industry.

This support to our partners will leverage Australia's cutting-edge engineering expertise and world-class infrastructure to ensure the aircraft meet operational readiness requirements.

In line with the Defence Industry Development Strategy, these initiatives also reinforce Australia's position as a leader in Defence sustainment and strengthens our sovereign industrial capability.

This support also highlights Australia's increasing role as a trusted partner in the global defence landscape, enhancing interoperability with allied forces while bolstering our Defence Force capability to sustain and maintain critical assets across international borders; contributing to regional security and stability and delivering on the recommendations outlined in the National Defence Strategy.

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