Aussie Youth Flip Climate Script for Urgent Action

Better Futures Australia

Sydney Youth Film Workshop to Spotlight Climate Solutions and Opportunities

March 10, 2025

[Sydney, NSW] — Young Australians are shaping the climate conversation like never before. With Gen Z and Millennials now the largest voter cohort in Australia, they are using storytelling to flip the script—moving from climate anxiety to showcasing climate resilience and clean economy solutions.

On Wednesday, March 12, young leaders and filmmakers will gather for the Youth Film & Storytelling for Change Workshop at Future Generations Day, Climate Action Week Sydney. Led by an award-winning team of film directors, producers, editors and climate communicators, this hands-on workshop aims to shift the conversation from climate anxiety to solutions-driven action.

"Hope is an essential strategy in our climate action. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something," said Liz Courtney, award-winning film director and workshop lead.

With expert documentary and content mentors guiding the way, participants will create short films that will be screened at the UTS COP31 Voice for Youth event on Friday March 14, offering a platform for young Australians to tell their own climate story.

Visual Opportunities

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