Nominations are now open for the 2022 Australia Day Awards and Greater Shepparton City Council is encouraging residents to nominate deserving community members.

Nominations are open for Citizen of the Year, Young Citizen of the Year (aged under 30) and Senior Citizen of the Year (aged 65 and over) for Arcadia, Dookie, Mooroopna, Murchison, Shepparton, Tatura and Toolamba. Council is also calling for nominations under other categories including Sports Award and the Community Event of the Year, which includes any virtual events that may have been held.
Nominations for the Australia Day Awards will close on Friday 10 December 2021 for all towns.
Victoria has dealt with its fair share of hardship this year with the COVID-19 pandemic leaving many residents needing a helping hand. The heroes that dedicated their time to help out during these tough times are an example of the type of people who deserve to be recognised in the 2022 Australia Day Awards.
Mayor, Cr Kim O'Keeffe said from big gestures to small acts of kindness, local heroes are everywhere in the community.
"This year has been tough, there is no escaping or denying that. But when you go through adversity there are always people who stand up, make things happen and lend a helping hand," she said.
"These people deserve to be acknowledged. While COVID-19 has put a stop to many of life's normalities, it is important to acknowledge and celebrate the people who have truly shone through these tough times.
"Australia Day Awards are a tribute to the quiet achievers, the people who are willing to drop what they are doing to help someone else. I urge anyone who has ever thought someone's contribution deserves some recognition, to nominate them for an award."
Nomination forms, the full list of categories and other relevant information can be obtained by contacting Council on 5832 9700 or on Council's community page.