Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade
I am pleased to announce the 22 recipients of the Australia-Japan Foundation (AJF) grant round for 2024-25.
The AJF advances Australia's foreign and trade policy interests with Japan by supporting partnerships in areas of shared interest and increasing Australian engagement with Japan.
The grant recipients in 2024-25 include:
- The Australian Antarctic Program Partnership at the Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies, University of Tasmania, to develop new pathways for Japanese and Australian scientific collaborations in Antarctic and Southern science.
- An Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) workshop to convene leading Pacific experts from Australia, Japan and the Pacific, focusing on improving Pacific resilience to new security challenges.
- The University of Queensland's initiative to advance higher education on sustainable construction in Australia and Japan through teaching workshops, a public guest lecture series, and a presentation at Expo 2025, Osaka, Kansai.
- A Drift Consulting project to bring together Australian and Japanese experts to exchange knowledge and progress the use of Australian seaweed in livestock feed to reduce emissions.
A full list of successful grant recipients is available on the AJF website.
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