Australia Must Step Into Breach Left By Trump's Assault On Women

Sustainable Population Australia

Marking International Women's Day (IWD), Sustainable Population Australia (SPA) has called on Australia and other rich countries to step into the breach left by US President Trump's massive cuts to international aid (USAID), to the UN Population Fund (UNFPA) and International Planned Parenthood Federation (IPPF), and other organisations aimed at enhancing women's rights and health.

SPA spokesperson Michael Bayliss says all these cuts are an assault on women.

"After decades of steady progress, women's health and rights will suffer major setbacks in 2025," says Mr Bayliss. "It's not just the Trump cuts, but also conflicts in a number of countries which disrupt health services and expose women to greater risks of sexual violence.

"Meanwhile some countries are restricting access to contraception in a bid to increase birth rates. This is another attack on women's right to choose when or even if they have children.

SPA spokesperson, Michael Bayliss, is available for

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