Jeremy Rockliff,Premier
The Australian and Tasmanian Liberal Government's continue to work together to deliver upgraded infrastructure and enhanced service delivery, ensuring that generations of Tasmanians to come will be able to access care where and when they need it, regardless of where they live.
Over the last three years, the Federal and State Government's have worked hand-in-hand to continue our strong record of improving access to health care services and facilities, particularly in regional and rural areas, for the benefit of all Tasmanians. This includes the delivery of:
- $12 million to boost access to health services for Tasmanians living in regional, rural and remote areas in the North and North West of the State through TAZREACH and the Rapid Access Inreach Service Trial which sees the integration of existing health services by providing specialist support predominantly to GP practices, District Hospitals and Community Health Centres;
- A new $4.4 million Linear Accelerator for the Cancer Centre at the North West Regional Hospital. The equipment was installed just last month and will be fully operational in May 2022;
- $3 million for four new mammography machines at BreastScreen's Hobart and Launceston clinics to improve client comfort and experience and increase capacity. New machines were recently installed in both locations with final completion of the project expected next month; and
- $400,000 for two new soundproofed birthing suites at the Launceston General Hospital. This project has been finished.
We recognise the ongoing challenges in our health system with demand continuing to increase in a COVID-19 environment, which is why the close partnership between the Commonwealth and State Government has resulted in continuous progress delivering strong results.
Right across Tasmania, we have improved service and ensured infrastructure projects are underway and on track, including:
- $20 million for additional elective surgery and endoscopy procedures so that more Tasmanians can receive their procedures within the clinically recommended times. $9.2 million of this funding already expended which has seen 3,470 additional procedures performed over the past financial year;
- $10 million to establish an Eating Disorders Treatment Centre. This project is on track with a Development Application lodged earlier this year, and day programs expected to commence in the North and North West later this year;
- $4.5 million to upgrade perinatal and infant mental health services in the North and North West which is enabling the Government to recruit additional staff to Adult Community Mental Health Services and the Child Health and Parenting Service;
- $1 million to deliver improvements to the West Coast District Hospital including aged care and allied health facilities. Consultation has occurred with hospital staff and the Council with construction anticipated to begin later this year;
- $10 million to redevelop and extend the existing Kings Meadows Community Health Centre with an implementation program proposal currently underway and expected mid-2022; and
- $10 million to improve the acute medical facilities at the North West Regional Hospital with an implementation program proposal currently underway and expected mid-2022.
We continue to have positive conversations with our Federal counterparts and look forward to continuing to work together to deliver more health infrastructure that benefits all Tasmanians.