Australian First Group To Prevent Violence In Ballarat

VIC Premier

Community members will lead a group co-designing a world-leading 'saturation model' in Ballarat - aiming to stop violence before it starts.

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Natalie Hutchins today announced the community members who will design the Ballarat model with Respect Victoria. With the first meeting of the group today, work has begun to drive down rates of family violence and men's violence against women.

Organisations involved include Women's Health Grampians, Ballarat and District Aboriginal Cooperative, City of Ballarat, Western Bulldogs Community Foundation and WRISC Family Violence, as well as individuals from across the community including victim-survivors of family violence.

The four-year program will bring together all parts of the community including sports clubs, schools, workplaces, health services, councils, emergency services and community organisations in a coordinated approach to preventing family violence.

In addition to this the program will deliver stronger referral pathways between prevention programs and specialist responses, so people experiencing violence - or seeing early warning signs - can get the help they need, when and where they need it.

The Allan Labor Government is using every available touch point to reach every corner of the community in Ballarat as we trial this new approach to prevention.

No community is immune to family violence - it's happening across our nation. We know that after the heartbreaking loss of three women last year, the people of Ballarat are more determined than anyone to put an end to violence.

The core co-design group will meet for in-person and online workshops, as well as work with people and organisations across Ballarat to find out what's working and what change could look like.

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