Australian Multicultural Council Appointments

Department of Home Affairs

​The new Australian Multicultural Council (AMC) 2025-28 will provide the Government with robust and independent advice, responding to key recommendations within the Multicultural Framework Review report.

The appointments reflect broad personal and professional experience, community representation and geographic balance.

In response to recommendations of the Multicultural Framework Review report Towards Fairness, A multicultural Australia for all, the government partnered with all state and territory multicultural affairs departments and their ministers to inform the nomination and selection of members.

Ms Christine Castley, panel member of the Multicultural Framework Review, has been appointed to the role of Chair - a vital position driving the agenda and acting as a central liaison between the Department of Home Affairs, members and ministers.

To support the transition from the previous council, Ms Rosemary Kariuki OAM and Ms Helena Kyriazopoulos OAM will be re-appointed to lend their expertise and to progress the ongoing work of the council.

The Australian Multicultural Council members for the 2025-2028 term are: 

  • Ms Christine Castley, Chair
  • Ms Izabela Barakovska
  • Mr Simon Chan AM
  • Ms Malaemie Fruean OAM
  • The Hon Peter Gutwein
  • Ms Aimen Jafri
  • Rabbi Gabi Kaltmann
  • Ms Rosemary Kariuki OAM*
  • Ms Helena Kyriazopoulos OAM*
  • Mr Hussain Razaiat
  • Mr Enzo Sirna AM
  • Dr Preethi Suraj
  • Professor Sivaram Vemuri
  • Ms Hang Vo.

*Members of the previous AMC.

Quotes attributable to Assistant Minister for Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Julian Hill

"The newly appointed Australian Multicultural Council brings together an extraordinary group of individuals with a vast array of skills, knowledge and lived experience.

"Hailing from communities across Australia, the council has been selected because of their expertise, leadership and demonstrated commitment to multicultural affairs.

"The new Australian Multicultural Council responds to recommendations of the Multicultural Framework Review report - the largest review of Australia's multicultural policy settings in a generation.

"Thank you to the members of the AMC who will be ceasing at the end of their current term for their advice and contributions. A special thanks for Dr Bulent Hass Dellal AO for his outstanding leadership as the outgoing Chair of the Council and also as Chair of the Multicultural Framework Review Panel."

Quotes attributable to Australian Multicultural Council Chair, Christine Castley

"I am honoured and delighted to take on the role of Chair of the Australian Multicultural Council and to be part of a Council made up of a very impressive group of individuals from all parts of Australia."

"The Multicultural Framework Review discovered a lasting truth: Australian communities are the driving force behind the success and resilience of multiculturalism in Australia. Acceptance, understanding and willingness to embrace diversity shape us now and will shape the future success and unity of our country."

"The Council will act as a voice of community and work with government to build bridges, foster understanding and belonging to ensure that everyone, no matter who they are and where they come from, is seen, heard and valued."

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