The Australian Statistician, Dr David Gruen, is urging households that haven't completed the Census to action their reminder letter today.
Under the Census and Statistics Act 1905, the Australian Statistician can issue people with a Notice of Direction, which directs people in writing to complete the Census.
The Notice explains that if someone doesn't complete the Census, they can be prosecuted and fined up to $222 a day because ultimately the Census is compulsory.
As of Monday 13 September at 8:00am, the ABS estimates it has received 9,484,122 completed forms in the 2021 Census. The tally is based on 7,555,882 forms submitted online through the Census Digital Service and 1,928,240 paper forms mailed to the Australian Bureau of Statistics (ABS) by households.
Dr Gruen said, "This is a good result so far and I thank everyone who completed their Census on time. However, there are still some households that haven't responded and it's critical that everyone is counted.
"The Census is the only data insight that provides a picture of the social and cultural make up of every community in Australia, so every response matters.
"If you haven't been able to complete, for whatever reason, please complete your Census now as it's overdue. If you don't have your Census letter, you can go online and complete today. Select the 'Get a Census Number' option. For people who have completed a paper form but haven't returned it, remember to post your form to the ABS today using the reply-paid envelope supplied.
"In late September, the Census website, including the online form, and customer service channels will close.
"Until then, Census Field Officers will continue to visit households that haven't completed during this period. The reminder visits are being carried out in line with local COVID-19 restrictions.
"The ABS is also requesting people with a second property-such as a holiday home or investment property-to go online and report if it was vacant or unoccupied on Census night. People can also let us know by calling 1800 512 441".
There are a range of help and support options available for people who need assistance in completing the Census at