Australia's Overshoot Day Spurs Circular Economy Shift

Planet Ark

MEDIA RELEASE - March 19, 2025

Today marks Australia's Earth Overshoot Day—the date resource use has already exceeded the planet's ability to regenerate if everyone lived like Australians.

The date underscores the urgent need for systemic change to reduce resource consumption and accelerate the transition to a net zero, circular economy, with Planet Ark CEO Rebecca Gilling emphasising that Australia must take bold steps to shift towards a more sustainable future.

"Australia's early Earth Overshoot Day is a stark reminder that our current consumption and production patterns are unsustainable," Ms Gilling said.

"To move the date back, we need to embrace circular economy principles, prioritise renewable energy, and create systems that keep valuable materials in use for longer,"

The Global Footprint Network calculates Earth Overshoot Day annually by measuring the ecological footprint of nations compared to Earth's ability to regenerate resources. Australia consistently ranks among the highest resource consumers per capita, meaning urgent action is needed to reduce waste, increase efficiency, and decarbonise.

"A net zero, circular economy future is not just an environmental necessity but an economic opportunity. By rethinking how we produce, consume, and dispose of materials, we can drive innovation, create jobs, and strengthen Australia's resilience in a resource-constrained world," Ms Gilling added.

Planet Ark is calling on businesses, policymakers, and individuals to help #MoveTheDate in Australia by taking decisive action, including:

  • Accelerating the transition to renewable energy to reduce reliance on fossil fuels.
  • Embedding circular economy principles in product design, manufacturing, and waste management.
  • Reducing waste and promoting resource efficiency across industries and households.
  • Investing in sustainable infrastructure to support a low-carbon, regenerative economy.

"Australia has the opportunity to lead by example and demonstrate how a nation can shift towards a circular, low-carbon economy while maintaining prosperity. The choices we make today will determine the health of our planet for future generations," Ms Gilling said.

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