Austria Urged to Intensify Anti-Corruption Efforts

CoE/Group of States against Corruption (GRECO)

The Council of Europe Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) has published two compliance reports on Austria.

The Third Interim Compliance Report assesses progress made in implementing recommendations issued to the country in the Fourth Evaluation Round Report in 2017 on preventing corruption in respect of members of parliament, judges and prosecutors.

GRECO concludes that Austria must substantially step up its response, as the vast majority of recommendations remain partly implemented or not implemented in this Compliance Report. Only three out of nineteen recommendations have been dealt with in a satisfactory manner. Of the outstanding sixteen recommendations, eleven remain partly implemented and five remain not implemented.

Also published today, another compliance report on Austria reflects progress made in implementing recommendations issued to the country in the Fifth Round Evaluation Report in 2023 on preventing corruption and promoting integrity in central governments (top executive functions) and law enforcement agencies.

In this report, GRECO notes that Austria has implemented satisfactorily only one of the 19 recommendations set out in the Fifth Round Evaluation Report. Of the 18 outstanding recommendations, six recommendations have been partly implemented and twelve have not been implemented.

GRECO concludes that Austria needs to make further progress within the next 18 months to achieve an adequate level of compliance with the recommendations and submit additional information by 31 May 2026.

Link to press release

GRECO and Austria

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The Group of States against Corruption (GRECO) is a Council of Europe body that aims to improve the capacity of its members to fight corruption by monitoring their compliance with anti-corruption standards. It helps states to identify deficiencies in national anti-corruption policies, prompting the necessary legislative, institutional and practical reforms.

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