Avalon Holographics: Pioneers in Innovation

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

March 13, 2025 · St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador · Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)

Technology and innovation are crucial drivers of economic growth, job creation, and long-term prosperity in Atlantic Canada. By investing in cutting-edge technologies and supporting innovative businesses, the Government of Canada is helping Atlantic Canada harness its full potential, while creating high-quality jobs, driving regional competitiveness, and ensuring that Canadian innovation remains a global force.

Federal investment shaping future of economy and business

The Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA, announced a repayable contribution of $1 million to assist Avalon Holographics with the deployment of its world-class NOVAC holographic display.

This investment will enable Avalon Holographics to deploy NOVAC, a groundbreaking 40-inch holographic display that delivers true-to-life, three-dimensional visualization in real time without the need for specialized equipment. This cutting-edge technology has the potential to transform industries such as defense and healthcare by revolutionizing decision-making, enhancing training, and improving operational planning.

Today's announcement further demonstrates the Government of Canada's committment to establishing the country as a global leader in innovation and technology. Through ACOA, the Government of Canada is driving high-quality job creation, boosting regional competitiveness, and shaping the future of Canadian business, ensuring long-term prosperity in the rapidly evolving global economy.

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