Aviation, Tourism Conference Lands in Perth

  • Aviation, tourism leaders flock to Perth as part of Routes Asia 2025
  • Event elevates Perth as Australia's western gateway on global stage
  • Supported by the State Government and Perth Airport

Nearly 1,000 global aviation decision makers have landed in Perth for Routes Asia 2025, Asia Pacific's premier annual airline route development event.

Perth will take centre stage for the next three days as delegates from more than 110 airlines and 170 airports, tourism authorities, industry suppliers and economic development agencies meet to discuss current and future route development opportunities.

The event will also give the newly re-elected Cook Labor Government an opportunity to highlight its plans to support Western Australia's tourism sector, including by:

  • working with the hospitality and tourism industry to develop a nighttime economy strategy;
  • continuing to attract major events to WA, with four UFC and WWE events to be held this year and next; and
  • investing in tourism icons, including a$116 million tourism hub for Ningaloo Reef.

Secured by the State Government and Perth Airport, Routes Asia will raise the profile of Perth among airlines as Australia's western gateway and a fast-growing global aviation hub, increasing the likelihood of expanded aviation capacity to WA.

The prestigious event is co-hosted in partnership with Perth Airport, Business Events Perth and Business Events Australia, and is set to generate millions of dollars in direct delegate expenditure for WA with business delegates on average spending more than leisure visitors.

Leading carriers from WA's key priority markets are confirmed to attend, including airlines from China, Japan and United Kingdom.

To find out more, head to: https://www.routesonline.com/

As stated by Tourism Minister Reece Whitby:

"Western Australia shares a time zone with 60 per cent of the world's population and we are strategically placed within the Asia Pacific region, which makes Perth a very attractive prospect for airlines looking to expand their route networks.

"We are Australia's western gateway, and hosting Routes Asia 2025 in Perth is a fantastic opportunity to strengthen our State's position as a key aviation hub.

"It also allows us to engage directly with the industry's key decision-makers to unlock new travel and business opportunities for our State.

"The event will help cement WA's position as a world-class host of business events and give leaders from the aviation industry a chance to experience our beautifulState first-hand."

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