Australian Frequent Flyer, Australia's largest online community of frequent flyers, welcomes the announcement of an Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme in the federal government's Aviation White Paper.
However, Australian Frequent Flyer members believe the Aviation White Paper should have gone a lot further to strengthen consumer protections for passengers who they say have been treated poorly by Australia's airlines for far too long.
Last year, as part of the Aviation Green Paper consultation process, Australian Frequent Flyer asked its members what they would like the government to do to improve passenger outcomes. The overwhelming feedback was that Australian flyers want both an independent ombudsman and compensation scheme similar to "EU261" in Europe.
A passenger compensation scheme would require airlines to pay cash compensation directly to passengers whom they significantly delay, downgrade or bump due to reasons within the airline's control. The European Union's scheme has proven very effective because it creates real financial incentives for airlines to act in the best interests of customers.
Sadly, the government has ignored calls from Australian frequent flyers and numerous consumer groups, including CHOICE and even the ACCC, to consider a compensation scheme as part of the White Paper process.
Matt Graham, the Editor of Australian Frequent Flyer, said that this is highly disappointing and lets down the Australian flying public.
"The Aviation Industry Ombuds Scheme is a welcome step in the right direction, but the federal government could do so much more," Graham said.
"The government's proposed changes do little to incentivise airlines to lift their game. They merely make it easier for Australians to enforce rights they already have under existing laws.
"In the European Union, airlines are very careful not to overbook excessively or cancel flights at short notice. They also have better contingencies to recover from delays, because there are real penalties for not doing so. By comparison, in Australia, airlines can basically do what they want to customer bookings without real consequences – as many frequent flyers have experienced.
"The Aviation White Paper was a once-in-a-generation opportunity to change this."
More details are available on the Australian Frequent Flyer website at:
Key Facts:
- Australian frequent flyers are bitterly disappointed that the Aviation White Paper doesn't do enough to strengthen consumer protections
- Frequent flyers overwhelmingly support a airline passenger compensation scheme similar to EU261, which works well in Europe
- The government's failure to consider such a scheme represents the loss of a once-in-a-generation opporunity
About us:
Australian Frequent Flyer is Australia's largest online frequent flyer community since 1998, and an advocate for travellers and members of loyalty programs. We provide independent analysis and are not affiliated with any airlines or loyalty programs.