Avoid Dunes, Seawall Warnings Repeated

Sunshine Coast Council

The Sunshine Coast community is urged to stay off coastal dunes and seawalls as shifting sands and rocks pose a serious risk of collapse and instability.

Erosion caused by TC Alfred has weakened the dunes at numerous locations along our shoreline, including Kings Beach, creating steep drop-offs and increasing the danger of sand collapsing on top of children.

These dunes may look stable, but can collapse suddenly, putting people at serious risk.

Council is also warning people to stay clear of the Moffat Beach seawall due to the risk of falling rocks and injury.

Both adults and children have been seen climbing over the Moffat Beach seawall, which is greatly concerning.

The Moffat Beach seawall is showing signs of movement due to the large swells impacting the wall.

There is a significant risk of the wall deteriorating further and if that occurs, rock falls and movements are highly likely.

The rocks can fall onto the beach at any time, and if it does, it will happen fairly quickly - within about 10-20 seconds - which means that anyone standing at the base of the rock wall will be injured.

For your safety, we ask everyone to keep off the dunes and the Moffat Beach seawall.

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