Backing Atlantic Canada's Finfish Aquaculture Growth

Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Two-year project is expanding markets, strengthening sustainability, and boosting innovation across the sector

Atlantic Canada's aquaculture sector plays a vital role in the region's economy, creating jobs, attracting investment, and supporting rural and coastal communities. To build on this strength, the Atlantic Canada Fish Farmers Association (ACFFA) is leading a two-year initiative to help advance the growth and sustainability of finfish aquaculture, ensuring long-term benefits for the industry and the communities that depend on it.

Driving Growth in Atlantic Canada's Aquaculture Industry

Today, Wayne Long, Member of Parliament for Saint John-Rothesay, announced a Government of Canada investment of $473,000 to support the growth and sustainability of Atlantic Canada's finfish aquaculture industry. The initiative is focused on sector growth and sustainability, attracting investment, and fostering innovation through industry engagement and market diversification. The announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Gudie Hutchings, Minister of Rural Economic Development and Minister responsible for ACOA.

With over 2,800 people employed in Atlantic Canada's aquaculture industry and a direct annual economic contribution exceeding $240 million, this sector is a key economic driver. This new initiative will build on the sector's success by undertaking activities such as labour and skills development, marketing campaigns, and innovation workshops to build sustainability and increase competitiveness.

As part of this effort, ACFFA will also coordinate an Atlantic Canada delegation of industry representatives to participate in Aquanor 2025 in Norway-one of the world's premier aquaculture trade shows. This mission will help Atlantic Canadian businesses connect with global partners, explore new technologies, and attract investment to the region. The delegation will build on the success of Innovation Norway 2024, where key industry stakeholders from Atlantic Canada engaged in knowledge exchange and collaboration to drive advancements in the aquaculture sector.

This initiative is part of the Government of Canada's commitment to fostering economic growth, supporting rural industries, and ensuring a thriving aquaculture sector in Atlantic Canada for years to come.

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