Ballarat Gardens to Debut New Visitor Centre

Visitors to one of Ballarat's most beloved attractions will soon be able to access personalised recommendations for things to see and do within the region.

A new Visitor Information Centre, to complement the existing Visitor Information Centre at Ballarat Town Hall, will be located in the Robert Clarke Centre, opposite the conservatory within the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, and will be open 11am-3pm, seven days a week.

The new Visitor Information Centre will officially open to the public on Saturday 8 March, to coincide with the Ballarat Begonia Festival.

The centre will be staffed by a combination of City of Ballarat staff and volunteers, and will be a Victorian Tourism Industry accredited ancillary and accessible centre.

A Made of: Ballarat shop, which will be located within the centre, will showcase local artisans and producers from within the region.

Additional visitor facilities will include free visitor parking, including caravan or large vehicle spaces, public toilets, free Wi-Fi, and PowerPoints for charging devices. It will also be a pet-friendly site.

City of Ballarat Mayor Cr Tracey Hargreaves said the new Botanical Gardens Information Centre would provide both visitors to Ballarat and residents with another place to learn about local attractions, restaurants, events and accommodation to encourage them to explore our city.

"The Ballarat Botanical Gardens is already a popular spot for both visitors and tourists alike, seeing 255,000 visitors annually - by locating a new Visitor Information Centre in the gardens, we will be providing a fantastic service for people in a location they already love," Cr Hargreaves said.

"We also know that around a third of visitors to the region are visiting friends and family.

"By also having a Visitor Information Centre in the Ballarat Botanical Gardens, it will allow residents to bring their visitors to the area and receive personalised recommendations about what to do during their stay."

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