One of the Ballarat Botanical Garden's most magnificent trees has just been nominated for the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Register of Significant Trees.
The tree is a Populus deltoides and was planted in the early 1900s. Located on the north side of the fernery (which is currently under construction), the tree is culturally and environmentally significant to the Botanical Gardens.
It is a mature example of the Populus deltoides species and has very large physical dimensions in comparison to other trees of the same species commonly seen under cultivation in Victoria. The tree is in good health, has structural integrity and has sound prospects for longevity. It will provide a significant backdrop to the new fernery once its redevelopment is complete.
Ballarat Botanical Gardens has roughly 50 trees nominated on the National Trust of Australia (Victoria) Register of Significant Trees. There are also several other registered trees throughout Ballarat both in private and public spaces.
The register was launched in 1981 and reflects the National Trust's mission to protect and celebrate Australia's heritage.
Ballarat Mayor Cr Ben Taylor says the nomination reflects Council's commitment to protecting and preserving the garden's environmental and cultural heritage.
"Ballarat Botanical Gardens has the most fantastic and significant collection of trees. This nomination is further recognition of the ongoing conservation and development of our world-class gardens," Cr Taylor says.