Ballet by Ocean an experience for senses

From: Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency

Atlantic Canada's tourism and arts communities are vital to the region's economy and support thousands of local jobs and organizations. That is why the federal and provincial government have invested to help the Moncton-based Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada (ABAC) carry out and promote its signature Ballet by the Ocean experience.

Federal and provincial government supports tourism and the arts in the southeast

The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Member of Parliament for Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe and the Honourable Tammy Scott-Wallace, Minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture announced a combined joint government investment of more than $362,000 in two projects to complete preparations for the Ballet by the Ocean 2021 season.

The Government of Canada announcement was made on behalf of the Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA and the Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Canadian Heritage. Minister Scott-Wallace spoke on behalf of the Honourable Gary Crossman, Minister of the Environment and Climate Change and Minister responsible for the Regional Development Corporation.

The project supported by ACOA involved marketing, promotion and brand development of the Ballet by the Ocean (BBTO) initiative. The project supported by Canadian Heritage and the Province of New Brunswick helped ABAC purchase specialized equipment for the unique BBTO performance site along the Northumberland Strait.

ACOA's contribution will allow BBTO to reach out to new markets and attract a wider audience.

Today's announcement further demonstrates the Government of Canada's commitment to boost local tourism and promote Atlantic Canada's unique places, experiences and businesses.


"Our government recognizes the important relationship between tourism and the arts, especially in Atlantic Canada. That's why we are proud to help organizations like Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada create unique, world-class experiences that further position the region as a destination of choice. Helping the tourism sector is part of our plan for a strong economic recovery for Canada."

- The Honourable Mélanie Joly, Minister of Economic Development and Official Languages and Minister responsible for ACOA

"For the past 20 years, the Atlantic Ballet Canada has been creating innovative and original ballet theatre productions. Its latest project, Ballet by the Ocean, has proven how our creators and our artists have found brilliant solutions to keep performing despite pandemic restrictions. The Government of Canada is proud to support this project that brings ballet and theatre outdoors and to a broader audience ."

- The Honourable Steven Guilbeault, Minister of Canadian Heritage

"Before the COVID-19 pandemic, Atlantic Canada's spectacular landscapes, delicious food and rich cultural experiences attracted millions of visitors every year. It is truly incredible what the ABAC has done to combine these assets to produce the awe-inspiring Ballet by the Ocean. I am pleased that the Government of Canada provided support to help make this project come to life."

- The Honourable Ginette Petitpas Taylor, Member of Parliament for Moncton-Riverview-Dieppe

"Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada has been incredibly innovative throughout the pandemic and has made a significant impact on communities across our province. We are so happy to support Ballet by the Ocean and hope that this investment in infrastructure will help launch Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada into their next successful 20 years."

- The Honourable Tammy Scott-Wallace, Minister of Tourism, Heritage and Culture

"All of us at Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada are incredibly grateful for this significant contribution to our company and our newest experience Ballet By The Ocean. This major investment in infrastructure will further evolve Ballet By tThe Ocean into a world class site and allow Atlantic Ballet to welcome audiences from around the globe to New Brunswick to experience a truly unique fusion of art, nature and local flavours."

- Susan Chalmers-Gauvin, Co-Founder and CEO, Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada

Quick facts

  • Atlantic Ballet Atlantique Canada operates under the Atlantic Ballet Theatre of Canada Inc.

  • Ballet by the Ocean is an innovative unique destination cultural and culinary tourism experience. Performances take place above a protected wetland in Grande Digue, N.B. between July and September. This year's event features a three-course locally sourced food tasting menu prepared by Chefs Emmanuel Charretier and Gene Cormier.

  • ACOA provided a non-repayable contribution of $76,593 through the Agency's Regional Economic Growth through Innovation program.

  • Canadian Heritage contributed $171,367 through the department's Canada Cultural Spaces Fund. The province of New Brunswick, through the Regional Development Corporation, also provided $114,762 toward this project.

  • One of the key measures in Budget 2021 includes revitalizing Canada's tourism sector through $1 billion to help tourism businesses recover and support festivals and cultural events that provide jobs and growth in many of our cities and communities.

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