Banks Applaud Budget Boosting Financial Confidence

The Australian Banking Association (ABA) welcomes the release of the 2025-26 Federal Budget that maintains confidence in our financial system.

The ABA welcomes initiatives to:

  • help boost housing supply
  • support small businesses
  • ensuring banking services remain available in the Pacific.

"This Budget provides extra support to Australians in the short-term whilst at the same time helping to address some of our longer-term challenges," Ms Bligh said.

"There are modest measures to support small businesses and these build on the banking sector's focus on ensuring they can get the credit they need to grow and prosper.

"Getting more Australians into homes is a critical issue for our nation. There are further initiatives in this Budget to help with boosting supply, which needs to be the number one priority to address the current housing crisis.

"Banks are also working to ensure banking services remain available to communities in the Pacific as an important measure to maintain safety and security in our region.

"Banks play a vital role in supporting households, businesses and the broader economy, and our industry will continue to support them with their financial security."

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