'Barely Wearable' Artist Talk

Join Hawkesbury Regional Gallery on Sunday 9 March for an insightful talk from artist Ruth Downes on her current exhibition Barely Wearable.

Artist Ruth Downes wearing one of her works - a collar made of masks

Tackling themes of waste and overconsumption, Barely Wearable is an exhibition of 30 wearable artworks made from everyday materials. Single use objects such as coffee pods, rubber bands, and surgical masks that would have otherwise been discarded to landfill, have been transformed into beautiful neckpieces, headwear and clothing. Hawkesbury Regional Gallery is the final stop in the exhibition's 14-gallery, five-year tour of NSW, Queensland and Victoria, making this talk a rare opportunity to learn about these works direct from the artist.

Barely Wearable is showing at Hawkesbury Regional Gallery until Sunday 16 March.

Hawkesbury Regional Gallery is located at the Deerubbin Centre, 300 George Street Windsor. Opening hours are Monday, Wednesday to Friday 10am – 4pm, Saturday and Sunday 10am – 3pm.

Artist Talk:

Sunday 9 March, 1pm – 3pm

Light refreshments provided.

Bookings essential: https://Ruth-Downes-Artist-Talk.eventbrite.com

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