Christmas is coming, and this year, Bass Coast's major town centres are really getting into the spirit of things, with some fantastic decorations.
In December 2018, Bass Coast Shire Council committed to funding Christmas decorations for the major centres of Wonthaggi, Inverloch, Cowes and San Remo over a four-year period.
In Council's 2018/19 Budget, $50,000 was allocated to the fund the decorations for Inverloch, with the view that a similar amount be allocated for the remaining towns over the following three financial years.
"This year, we had two years' worth of allocated funding ($89,000) in the budget, which was used to purchase and install decorations for Inverloch and Cowes," Bass Coast Shire Mayor, Cr Brett Tessari said.
"We were also able to re-allocate some funding from cancelled events, which enabled us to partially decorate Wonthaggi this year as well. Wonthaggi will get the rest of its decorations next year."
Red ribbons and new Christmas flags have been installed in Grantville, San Remo, Cowes, Inverloch and Wonthaggi, while at San Remo, the existing lights in the pine tree will also be reprogramed. San Remo is expected to receive funding for more decorations in a future Budget.
"In Inverloch, you will see the new Christmas tree outside the Community Hub, lights in the gum trees outside the Bunurong centre, as well as baubles in some garden beds," Cr Tessari said.
"Wonthaggi has had baubles installed in its roundabouts and also in Apex Park, while Cowes has lights installed in five cypress trees along Thompson Ave and baubles will be installed this week on two roundabouts and at the bottom of Thompson Avenue."