Battery Disposal Warning After Recycling Truck Fire

Darwin City Council

A serious fire broke out in a recycling truck recently, after a lithium battery was incorrectly placed in a kerbside recycling bin. Fortunately, no one was injured, but the risk to staff, community members, and recycling facilities could have been catastrophic.

Why are batteries dangerous?

Lithium batteries are highly volatile and can self-combust if ruptured. Fires caused by incorrect battery disposal are a leading cause of waste truck and landfill fires, posing extreme risks to collection and processing staff.

Where to dispose of batteries properly

Batteries must never go into recycling or general waste bins. Instead, they should be dropped off at:

  • Shoal Bay Waste Management Facility (Recycling Station and Transfer Station)
  • Civic Centre Recycling Station (right at the stairs, across from the community notice board)
  • Designated battery disposal bins in supermarkets, electronic retailers, and battery supply stores

By disposing of batteries properly, we can prevent fires, protect workers, and reduce environmental harm. Let's all do our part, keep batteries out of bins!

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